Thursday, February 9, 2017

I am a Hero Chapter 262

 Can't wait to know how it will end...
2 more chapters left...

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  1. thanks for the wonderful release : )
    cant believe the end is drawing near!!!!!

  2. Thank you! Kind of a bittersweet ending coming it may seem.

  3. damn man you do an awesome job... thanks

  4. When do the last 2 chapters come out?

  5. Thanks for scanlating and bringing this to us! Let's cross our fingers that it will a satisfying ending. I feel like the series got rushed. I hope there's an explanation about the ZQN happenings and how it really started.

    1. Rushed? Because ending isnt how you wanted to be? You make no sense.

    2. 2 chapter is plenty to fill in the gaps and give a satisfying ending. thanks Arphage! Remember to support this series officially if you really enjoy it.

    3. I'm preparing for an abrupt ending. Usually each chapter has one major event each, and I doubt they'll be able to explain everything in just two, but I hope I'm wrong! That said, even IF there's an abrupt ending, I think we could figure out quite a bit about the origin of the ZQN just by analyzing the past chapters. I feel like there's been plenty of hints (like when *SPOILERS* the group of ZQN protect the little girl on the rooftop (but she's "rescued" by a Kurusu). *END SPOILERS*

  6. Why abrupt ending? Manga is popular and has many spin off series so imo this ending will be just like author always wanted.

    1. I didn't mean I expect it will end any different than the author intended, just that I don't think we'll get the answers we hope for. I think the next chapter will give us the conclusion to Hideo's story (most likely meeting Hiromi again) and then the final chapter will take place a couple of years in the future, not giving us any explanation for how or why the ZQN was created. I'd love to be wrong though.
